The pH Story

Photo showing fresh alkaline foods.

An Alkaline Diet Can Relieve Health Problems

It is now becoming increasingly evident that an alkaline diet can relieve myriads of health problems. Maintaining an acid alkaline balance is vital to our health, and knowing exactly which foods to eat and which foods to avoid is absolutely critical to living alkaline.

There is so much confusion and conflicting information out there on which foods are acid and which are alkaline, so we have created The Definitive Acid / Alkaline Food Chart to make sure you don’t get the wrong information and accidentally start eating acid-forming foods!

Becoming Alkaline

This is not as difficult or as technical as it sounds. When we talk about eating alkaline foods or starting an alkaline diet we are referring to consuming those foods and drink which have an alkaline effect on the body. This effect is based upon the ash residue that remains after our foods are consumed. Some foods leave an acid ash, whereas others leave an alkaline ash. Conveniently for us, our bodies have been designed to categorise which foods leave which kind of ash into neat and easy to remember groups. Of course, everybody is different – but most of us should aim to eat 75-80% alkaline forming foods and a maximum of 20-25% acid forming foods.

Highly Alkaline

pH 9.5 Alkaline Water Himalayan Salt Grasses Cucumber
Kale Kelp Spinach (Baby and Grown) Parsley
Broccoli Sea Vegetables (Kelp) Green Drinks All Sprouted Beans

Moderately Alkaline

Avocado Beetroot Basil Capsicum / Pepper
Cabbage Celery Chives Collard / Spring Greens
Coriander Endive Garlic Ginger
Green Beans Lettuce Mustard Greens Okra
Onion Radish Red Onion Rocket / Arugula
Tomato Lemon Lime Butter Beans
Soy Beans White Haricot Beans Chia / Salba Quinoa

Mildly Alkaline

Artichokes Asparagus Brussels Sprouts
Cauliflower Carrot Courgette / Zucchini Leeks
New Baby Potatoes Peas Pumpkin Swede
Squash (Butternut, Summer etc) Watercress Grapefruit Coconut
Pomegranate Rhubarb Buckwheat Lentils
Tofu Goat & Almond Milk Herbs & Spices
(Thyme, Mint, Ginger, Cumin etc.)
Avocado Oil
Olive Oil      

Neutral/Mildly Acidic

Black Beans Chickpeas / Garbanzos Kidney Beans & Other Beans Seitan
Cantaloupe Fresh Dates Nectarine Plum
Sweet Cherry Watermelon Millet Oats / Oatmeal
Spelt Soybeans Buckwheat Pasta Cous Cous
Brown Rice Rice / Soy / Hemp Protein Freshwater Wild Fish Rice & Soy Milk
Brazil Nuts Pecan Nuts Hazel Nuts Sunflower Oil
Grapeseed Oil      

Moderately Acidic

Fresh, Natural Juice Ketchup Mayonnaise Butter
Apple Apricot Banana Blackberry
Blueberry Cranberry Grapes Guava
Mango Mangosteen Orange Peach
Papaya Pineapple Strawberry Goat’s Cheese
Vegan Cheese Rye Bread Wheat Wholemeal Bread
Wild Rice Wholemeal Pasta Ocean Fish  

Highly Acidic

Alcohol Coffee & Black Tea Fruit Juice (Sweetened) Cocoa
Honey Jam Jelly Mustard
Miso Rice Syrup Soy Sauce Vinegar
Yeast Dried Fruit Beef Chicken
Eggs Farmed Fish Pork Shellfish
Cheese Dairy Artificial Sweeteners Syrup

Test Your pH

A easy way to help know your body pH is using the the self test pH strips. First urine in the morning can be tested and recorded and a log can be maintained to see where the body ph stands. You can use the food chart to help move towards a more alkaline food diet. An acidic diet will manifest in the mouth as propensity to white spot decalcified lesions which eventually for cavities.


  • A simple way to shift the pH is lime/lemon water sipped throughout the day! Lime / lemon has high mineral content so has a alkalizing effect.
  • Fruits have a high sugar content which makes them acidic so limit the amount consumed.
  • Replace soy sauce to Bragg liquid aminos.
  • Stay well hydrated.
  • Cut on tea / coffee.
  • Limit bread, and switch to sprouted variety when possible.