Patient Results
Myobrace Treatment – 5 Months Progress

Infant Frenectomy – Upper

Infant Frenectomy – Lower

GOPEX (Good Oral Posture Exercise ) 30 Day Challenge
Counting Exercise: simple counting and pause after each number. At the pause, bring attention and intention to “Tropic Premise”.
Tropic Premise: is the resting oral posture where the tongue seals completely on the roof of the mouth, with the tip touching just behind the upper two front teeth.
We are supposed to be in tropic premise 6-8 hours during day for us to form memory which can help us stay in that Posture at night. Most kids have open mouth at their resting posture during day hence the same at night. Start watching your kids and the sooner you correct this, the less likely hood of them needing extensive orthodontic interventions.
DNA Appliance-Effects on Voice and Sleep
DNA Appliance
Migraine headaches reduced by 80%. Better facial symmetry & facial aesthetics. Easier to breathe.
DNA Appliance
Madison presented to our office with chief concerns of ringing in ear that was getting progressively worse. A thorough evaluation of her craniofacial and muscle imbalances revealed need to grow her in 3D,which has improved her nasal breathing capacity and also reduced ringing in ears along with bodywork.
DNA Appliance/Myofunctional Therapy/Frenectomy
Patient had reduced adrenal fatigue, more energy and stamina due to improved nasal breathing capacity, lost 35lbs of weight along with other life style changes, mouth breathing replaced by nasal breathing, airway volume jump from less than 10cc to 30cc.
mRNA Appliance
If you are a cpap wearer and want to eventually look at alternatives to wearing a cpap, the mRNA appliance may be just right for you. Call our office for more information.
Adult Frenectomy
Bonnie Presented to our office looking for a holistic Dentist for her dental health needs. An airway assessment showed her airway volume to be less than 50cc. Some of her other symptoms involved- Chronic neck and back pain that was getting worse with time and scoliosis, inspite of living a holistic life style and seeing a chiropractor.
Before and after 5 months of DNA appliance airway volume increased from 17cc to 30cc.
Our initial assessments revealed that her TMJ was off and we created a physiologic bite plane for her which helped to regain the symmetry and balance with the help of a DNA appliance. We muscle tested her to ensure the appliance was at a spot where she was strongest. This was followed by a osteopathic manipulative frenectomy where in Dr Mirkal worked alongside Dr Barker- who is our attending osteopath, addressed the body fascia and restrictive frenal attachments to relived the tension in her neck, improved and relaxed the rolled in shoulders and helped to have a more balanced posture.
Adult Frenectomy

Adult Frenectomy
We performed Frenectomy for Dr Havel. She noticed instantaneous improvement in her neck, back, shoulder and range of motion.
Adult Frenectomy – Upper

Adult Frenectomy – Lower

Osteopathic Manipulative Frenectomy
Krista presented to our office with severe tension and pain in her neck, chest and back. Routine chiropractic care helped with those symptoms, but still her neck was “hard as a plank” as per her chiropractor. After performing the frenectomy it has softened, range of motion has improved, less tension in neck, back, shoulder and chest.
Osteopathic Frenectomy
Kelly L presented to our office with several health concerns including challenges throughout growing up with articulation of words and sounds. SDB symptoms as a child and sympathetic activation symptoms as an adult. Osteopathic frenectomy done with Dr Gray and Dr Mirkal help address may of those symptoms.Listen to her experience in her own words.
BPA-Free Composite Filling

Esthetic Ceramic Crowns

Safe Mercury Amalgam Filling Removal

Safe Mercury Amalgam Filling Removal
Judith S presented to our office for SMART(Safe Mercury/Metal Removal Protocol). She has noted significant improvements in her health since, including improved stamina, less tremors, more stable gait and balance and less brain fog.
Safe Mercury and Metal Removal
Linda had two metal restorations replaced with biocompatible material. She noticed her long standing lymph node swelling to have resolved. Metals are a source of chronic inflammation to the immune system, which will activate T cells and are also associated with high RANTES scores/CCL5 numbers which are bio markers of any chronic oxidative disease.
Safe Mercury and Metal Removal
Josiee came to our office with the chief concern of getting her metals out which were high on a heavy metal panel testing. Some of the improvements she has noticed since we got her metals out are less brain fog, more energy, no mid day crashes, more clarity, reduced headaches and educed heart palpitations. A lot of these symptoms are related to the Battery effect of metals in your mouth.
SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique)
All silver-colored fillings are dental amalgam fillings, and each of these fillings is approximately 50% mercury. Mercury vapor is continuously emitted from dental amalgam fillings, and much of this mercury is absorbed and retained in the body. The output of mercury can be intensified by the number of fillings and other activities, such as chewing, teeth-grinding, and the consumption of hot liquids. Mercury is also known to be released during the placement, replacement, and removal of dental amalgam fillings.
Understanding the Mercury Poisoning Symptoms from Dental Amalgam
One reason for the wide-range of symptoms is that mercury taken into the body can accumulate in virtually any organ. An estimated 80% of the mercury vapor from dental amalgam fillings is absorbed by the lungs and passed to the rest of the body, particularly the brain, kidney, liver, lung, and gastrointestinal tract. The half life of metallic mercury varies depending on the organ where the mercury was deposited and the state of oxidation, and mercury deposited in the brain can have a half life of up to several decades.
Toxic effects of this mercury exposure vary by individual, and one or a combination of symptoms can be present and can change over time. An array of co-existing factors influence this personalized reaction to dental mercury including the presence of other health conditions, the number of amalgam fillings in the mouth, gender, genetic predisposition, dental plaque, exposure to lead, consumption of milk, alcohol, or fish, and more.
In addition to the fact that individual response to mercury varies, the effects of these exposures are even more insidious because it can take many years for symptoms of mercury poisoning to manifest themselves, and previous exposures, especially if they are relatively low-level and chronic (as is often the case from dental amalgam fillings), might not be associated with the delayed onset of symptoms. It is not surprising that just as there are a wide-range of mercury poisoning symptoms, there are also a wide-range of health risks related to dental amalgam fillings.
As a part of the SMART protocol we have a detailed heavy metal detox protocols recommendation with our collaborative providers.
SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique)
Listen to our sweet client-Janice about her journey of getting her metals out safely. Heavy metals toxicity and Galvanic charges through dentistry are most commonly associated with chronic fatigue, opportunistic co-infections like candida, lyme, EBV, gut issues/dysbiosis and skin issues.
Oral Electro Galvanism (Also Called “Battery Mouth”)
Mary had a six unit porcelain fused to metal bridge in her mouth, which was contributing to a lot of health issues on the meridians linked to those teeth. She experienced “Jitters/Static” every time a metallic fork touched the bridge due to the electrical field created by metal bridge which has been constantly bathing in saliva (acting as a salt solution). This “Battery” effect usually has several symptoms/presentations and many of them seem vague such as:
Epilepsy, hearing loss, eye problems, insomnia, psychological problems, tinnitus, lack of concentration and memory, vertigo, mouth pain / ulcers, potential source of unexplained orofacial pain, inflammation in susceptible individuals through it’s role on immune system, metallic taste / salty taste, increased salivation, inability to use silverware becuase of “jitters/static“ effect in the mouth, burning sensation along the tongue, pathological changes in blood, kidney, or organ due to absorption of ionized metal and reflex neurological pain along branches of fifth trigeminal nerve.
Mary has two of these above symptoms. The moment we took the metal out, her discomfort to metallic silverware went away. For most other symptoms patients are told there is nothing wrong with you, which is only disheartening as a lot of these symptoms will go away once the metal is taken out.
Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance (AGGA)
This appliance expands the upper jaw in three dimensions alleviating crowding, creating room for the tongue to sit up in the palate, enlarging the airway, and improving TMJ, migraine, and pain symptoms. It may also improve facial appearance of the eyes, nose, cheekbones, lower jaw, and throat, reducing the dark circles, flat cheek bones and long face appearance to a more fuller face. This is famously known as “nonsurgical facia lift” appliance. After adequate growth and remodeling are verified by a sleep study and CBCT scan, the teeth are straightened and spaces are closed later using orthodontics.

Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance (AGGA)
Growth Appliance for Kids
Craniofacial development in children starts early on and it is critical to intervene as early as possible to take advantage of the chance to manipulate normal skeletal growth occurring in children. By the age of 4, 60% of facial growth is complete. By the age of 6, 80% of facial growth is complete. By the age of 11-12 90% of facial growth is completed and the second premolars have erupted. It is important to introduce orthotropic, orthopedic interventions, which harness the ability to remold skeletal growth patterns. Growth appliance is a full-fledged functional and TMJ appliance in kids aged between 6-9 years. Many children in this age group experience headaches, and TMJ symptoms but rarely verbalize it. Other symptoms to watch for: Problems with teeth alignment – crowded or crooked teeth, bite problems, teeth don’t meet correctly, underbite or overbite, facial asymmetry, frequent headaches, snoring, open mouth breathing and short attention span/easily distracted. This appliance will help remold the downward growth vector to a more horizontal growth (long flat face versus more fuller attractive forward face). Orthodontic interventions done later on will be relatively straight forward and less invasive after Growth Appliance. Listen to mom talk about reasons to seek help for her child. Does this sound familiar?

Improvements in the upper lip and fuller face with improvements in cheeks
Titanium Implants Removal – Patient Testimonial
Titanium implants are associated with high galvanic currents, corrosion by products and silent inflammation. People who decide to get their metal implants out like Dr. Austin experience improvements in the health.
Silent inflammation due to titanium implants leads to immune system activation. The intraoral interference fields created by metals, produce highly toxic hydrogen sulfides (Thioether/Mercaptan), metals show cytotoxic, immunological and carcinogenic effects causing increased inflammatory mediators like RANTES, FGF-2 and IL-1ra. High RANTES scores are associated with chronic oxidative stress like autoimmune conditions.
Chronic Oxidative Stress of Dental Origin – Patient Testimonial
Tressa presented to our office with two infected root canal treated teeth were connected to the lungs, large intestine, big toe and circulatory (arteries and veins) meridian. Listen to her story in her own words.
Chronic Oxidative Stress of Dental Origin – Patient Testimonial
Listen to Dr. Michelle’s experience after getting infected root canal tooth out on the thyroid meridian. Results include body temperature regulation and REM sleep improvements.
Same-Day CEREC Crowns
One Piece Ceramic Implants
Zirconia dental implants were introduced into dental implantology as an alternative to titanium implants. While metal dental implants made of titanium and titanium alloys have been widely used among traditional dentists, they posed a number of disadvantages such as potential immunologic (allergic) and esthetic (cosmetic) compromises.Zirconia is an optimal dental implant material because of its tooth-like color, mechanical properties, biocompatibility within the body, and low plaque affinity. Periodontal health is far more superior when compared to Titanium implants; yielding better esthetics and material of choice in high esthetic zone.
We practice metal free dentistry as metals are associated with Oral-electro Galvanism also commonly known as Battery mouth.

Infected Root Canal Treatment – Patient Testimonial
Infected Root Canal Treatment – Patient Testimonial
Bacterial toxin- Activation of Immune Cells. Silent inflammation due to root canal therapy, cavitation (avascular osteonecrosis) and titanium implants leads to immune system activation. The intraoral interference fields created by metals, NICOs, bacteria in root canal treated teeth produce highly toxic hydrogen sulfides (Thioether/Mercaptan), metals show cytotoxic, immunological and carcinogenic effects and NICOs (Neuralgia inducing osteonecrosis) consist of increased inflammatory mediators like RANTES, FGF-2 and IL-1ra. One out of two Americans suffer from immune disorders. If we look attentively at the changes occurring in our environment, we will notice some trends running in parallel: an exponential increase in chronic diseases, a similarly exponential trend of increasing strain on our immune system, but also an exponential increase in organic nutritional and behavioral concepts. Chronic diseases, such as cancer, ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, MS, Crohn’s disease and chronic fatigue syndrome, Breast Cancer are increasing at an explosive rate, and extrapolation of the curves shows that within a few years, everyone living in the Western world will be affected by at least one of these diseases.